Can a baby goldfish live in bowl? - fish shaped fish bowl
Well, I have an aquarium and I used a fish, but he died of old age. and I have found in him a fish, and I thought I had a baby goldfish to my friend, who would give me. If I can not survive or not? and truth. My dish is fish and fish products, normal size, bold. Thanks
You can this question many times as desired. The answer is always the same.
No fish should live in a bowl.
A fancy goldfish need 20 gallons to himself. I prefer everyone gets 20 goldfish, but after 20 gallons, 10 gallons per fish is very good.
Goldfish Common deserve a bigger tank. I would say at least 55 gallons per municipality.
They require heavy filtering, do like the shit and waste.
You need the tank before adding fish cycle. ...
Some pictures of adult goldies. The fish do not grow to the size of the tank. ... ... ...
Goldies 20 years to live, I doubt she died of old age. Probably something to do with poor water conditions.
YES, if their parents take them in a tank
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