What is the name of that traditional chinese medicine remedy (dried orange skin) for soare throat in winter? - orange blisters in back of throat
When I was in Taiwan, I took a few good habits of people, including the means of Chinese medicine. One was a little bitter-sweet to eat Orange as dry skin can (available in ampoules) in winter. I think it might kumquat skins. Now I'm back I do not know the name and can not find here. Therefore I need help for a correct identification.
To use dried tangerine peel (Chen Pi-陈皮) in traditional Chinese medicine, helps digestion and eases coughing and vomiting.
To use dried kumquat (金桔Jin-Ju) in traditional Chinese medicine will help dissolve the mucus and helps to restore their influence.
One of the most popular traditional Chinese medicine of the people of Taiwan together to the cough is simply "Pi Pa Gao." Here is the Wiki in the traditional Chinese, you can take a look at the picture and look to the Asian supermarkets in the United States.
http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/% E4% BA% AC% ...
But if you have a sore throat, may use Western medicine to stop the inflammation. In this case, work better Aspirin May.
Bitter orange peel (Chen Pi) is not commonly used in Chinese medicine for sore throats.
I think they were wrong or not understood.
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